As a Payoneer credit card holder you can get expenses through the other Payoneer credit cards holders whether it’s a buddy seeking to deliver you cash, a mother or father assisting out, or a client making a transaction, the Personal Fill assistance makes getting cash easy. And with all your cash securely in one place, you are free to get on with your day and you can load your credit cards and get private plenty from anyone globally via Visa/MasterCard®. or through the Payoneer associates like : Odesk, Elance, LimeExchange or Smowtion, just indication in to your consideration with the associate and choose Payoneer as your transaction method.
The Payoneer Personal Fill assistance at a glance:
** Personal Loads can be created by anyone
** The Payoneer worldwide pre-paid credit cards must be legitimate and effective in order to get Personal Loads
** The everyday Personal Fill restrict for a Payoneer consideration is $1,000
** Personal plenty take up to 2 business days to be prepared and packed onto a card
** Personal Loads may be created via credit/debit Charge or MasterCard® credit cards, or a US Banking consideration (for US credit cards holders only).
** Personal Loads are prepared on an individual foundation, awaiting acceptance by Payoneer’s Payment Approval Division.
Another transaction remedy is to get compensated with the US Payment Service, the US consideration and redirecting number connected to your credit cards will allow you to get US ACH/Direct Down payment exchanges from chosen US organizations, such as PayPal, Amazon, The apple company and more!
Strict security guidelines are enforced by Payoneer and MasterCard® to avoid all scams mean cash remains safe and secure
Payoneer credit cards holders can use their resources in shops, on the internet or ATMs that agree to MasterCard®
Tutorial on how to load/send finance using Payoneer Personal Fill :
Step 1: Go to and log in your consideration, search down, you will see a advertising like this then hit Learn more :
You will be rediricted to this page (you can access this page directly)
Phase 2: As you can see it, there are two choices to exchange resources.You can fill to the Cards by Cards Variety (reciever's payoneer card number) or by Cards owners E-mail address(Reciever's current email deal with used in Payoneer). you can examine "Make it a repeated Payment" if you need.
Enter the E-mail deal with that the charge card owner used for applying with Payoneer or get into the complete Payoneer card number (16 digits), then get into the amount to fill and the reason of running then select who will pay the deal fee.
Click on Keep ckeckout the order then validate the transaction
The Payoneer Personal Fill assistance at a glance:
** Personal Loads can be created by anyone
** The Payoneer worldwide pre-paid credit cards must be legitimate and effective in order to get Personal Loads
** The everyday Personal Fill restrict for a Payoneer consideration is $1,000
** Personal plenty take up to 2 business days to be prepared and packed onto a card
** Personal Loads may be created via credit/debit Charge or MasterCard® credit cards, or a US Banking consideration (for US credit cards holders only).
** Personal Loads are prepared on an individual foundation, awaiting acceptance by Payoneer’s Payment Approval Division.
Another transaction remedy is to get compensated with the US Payment Service, the US consideration and redirecting number connected to your credit cards will allow you to get US ACH/Direct Down payment exchanges from chosen US organizations, such as PayPal, Amazon, The apple company and more!
Strict security guidelines are enforced by Payoneer and MasterCard® to avoid all scams mean cash remains safe and secure
Payoneer credit cards holders can use their resources in shops, on the internet or ATMs that agree to MasterCard®
Tutorial on how to load/send finance using Payoneer Personal Fill :
Step 1: Go to and log in your consideration, search down, you will see a advertising like this then hit Learn more :
You will be rediricted to this page (you can access this page directly)
Phase 2: As you can see it, there are two choices to exchange resources.You can fill to the Cards by Cards Variety (reciever's payoneer card number) or by Cards owners E-mail address(Reciever's current email deal with used in Payoneer). you can examine "Make it a repeated Payment" if you need.
Enter the E-mail deal with that the charge card owner used for applying with Payoneer or get into the complete Payoneer card number (16 digits), then get into the amount to fill and the reason of running then select who will pay the deal fee.
Click on Keep ckeckout the order then validate the transaction